Services Used: Events, Media Relations, Partnership Building
PR Goals: The Kensington BRZ aims to bring awareness to the Kensington community and businesses by highlighting local initiatives. They hope to bring the community together through key events and activations that celebrate the unique area.
What We Did: PARKER PR managed a series of activations throughout the year including Christmas in Kensington, Chinook Blast and Kensington Love Letters. Each activation involved unique elements such as hosting local artists to perform, running contests to promote local shops, bringing the community together by asking Calgarians to write a love letter to Kensington, and holding the annual Christmas in Kensington, which included Santa, sleigh rides, musical performances.
Impact: From October 2020 to September 2021, the monetary value for radio segments was 33.4K while broadcast and articles was 238K. Media coverage highlighted how the community was bringing back live music after a tough year with the pandemic, and the need to support local businesses. A total of 25 million people viewed or read the Kensington articles and TV segments while 3 million people listened to radio segments featuring the BRZ.