PARKER PR hosted an event in the community of Kensington to support Pages Book Store when the shop released the seventh addition of Harry Potter. The event strategy included a social media plan, marketing plan and media relations initiative. We wrote a press release, created a Facebook event and sent an invite to neighbours and friends. We were expecting 5000 people to support this event and we had around 40,000 people show up. Through experience, training and strategy, we were able to manage this event, refine our plan, and host 60,000 the second year.
Enjoy Free Holiday Cheer with Christmas in Kensington
Client: Kensington BRZ
Danielle Grant
The Gauntlet, December 11, 2017
Calgary: Prairie City More Urbane Than Cowboy
Client: Kensington BRZ
Margo Pfeiff
SanFrancisco Chronicle
June 29, 2017
Latest Harry Potter Release Transforms Kensington into Diagon Alley
Client: Kensington BRZ
Emma McIntosh
The Calgary Herald
August 1, 2016
Kensington BRZ
Ellen Parker joined the Kensington Business Revitalization Zone (BRZ) in 2014 as the Communications Director and brought her full team onboard in 2015. PARKER PR develops all of the communications, marketing, social media, media relations, events and sponsorship acquisition strategy and implementation. In 2017, PARKER PR and the BRZ raised over $495,677 in sponsorship, in-kind support, parking funding, granted projects and earned media and events. PARKER PR has created traditions for the neighbourhood residents, the Calgary community and the businesses through their event programming that includes; Easter in Kensington, Diagon Alley, Summertime Outdoor Movies, Halloween in Kensington and Christmas in Kensington. In 2017 the BRZ had 126,660,000 media impressions.